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Citdit 0001 Stella Alpina

Citdit 0001 Stella Alpina

€ 29,90

Articolo  Stella Alpina : due fiori collegati tra loro da un cordone animato i due fiori sono realizzati da tre strati sovrapposti di feltro di lana opportunamente ritagliato il feltri di lana made in Italy a Biella al centro tre piccoli dischi in legno di larice dei boschi del Engadina un cordone animato in canapa o in cotone , lungo circa 70 cm collega i due fiori Utilizzo :   fascia raccoglitenda decorativo come singolo fiore o unendo piu' elementi come mazzo di fiori Article Edelweiss : two flowers connected by an animated cord the two flowers are made from three overlapping layers of wool felt appropriately cut wool felt made in Italy in Biella in the middle three small larch wood discs of the Engadine woods an animated hemp or cotton cord, about 70 cm long connects the two flowers Use :   curtain band decorative as a single flower or joining more elements as a bouquet of flowers Artikel Edelweiss : zwei Blumen, die durch eine animierte Schnur miteinander verbunden sind Die beiden Blüten bestehen aus drei übereinander liegenden Lagen Wollfilz entsprechend zugeschnitten Made in Italy Wollfilze in Biella in der Mitte drei kleine Lärchenholzscheiben aus den Engadiner Wäldern Eine animierte Schnur aus Hanf oder Baumwolle, ca. 70 cm lang, verbindet die beiden Blüten Verwendung :   Gardinenband Dekorativ als einzelne Blume oder Kombination mehrerer Elemente als Blumenstrauß

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